Box Turtle
Box turtles don't require too much water, but just enough to keep a good moisture consistency. Box turtles are omnivorous land dwelling reptiles that like to live in mossy environments. This type of turtle is known to hibernate in the winter, and it will behave a bit more slowly as the days grow colder. Set up a makeshift cave in the turtle's cage, pen or glass tank with dirt so it can burrow inside it. Do not keep the turtle in a dry crate because it requires moisture; do not put in too much moisture as it may turn to ice and lethally hurt the turtle.
Red Eared Slider Turtle
The red eared slider is named after its unique physical red mark beside the turtle's eye. The red eared slider is the most common pet turtle in North America. It's also the same species that received a bad rap back in the 1970s when children contracted salmonella poisoning from them, but that was because those children had put the turtles in their mouth, which is not at all safe or healthy. These reptiles can grow up to 11 inches in length so make sure they're contained in a big tank to anticipate their size. The tank must also have a space for swimming, rest and have small rocks lining the bottom for the turtle to dig, which is something it really enjoys doing.
Mud Turtle
Mud turtles got their name from being found in their favorite habitat: mud. Another popular pet is the mud turtle, which enjoys a sanctuary that is sandy, damp and even muddy. This reptile remains small and doesn't usually grow beyond five inches in length. As an omnivorous creature, this turtle likes to snack on small fish, tadpoles and insects. Mud turtles can live up to 50 years of age.
Painted Turtle
Painted turtles can grow up to 10 inches in length. Painted turtles like to swim, but they also need an area in their tank for rest. As an omnivorous pet, they'll enjoy eating chicken meat, lettuce and special food sticks. Sometimes the painted turtle will sleep in the water, or on an object such as a rock or log that is half submerged underwater. This type of turtle also enjoys basking in the sun.
Pet Turtles for Children
A pet turtle can be a great learning experience in responsibility and pet care. It can also provide an insight into the reptilian world. Smaller turtles such as box, mud, slider and painted turtles are a perfect house pet. These slow moving creatures need a lot of love, care and respect so make sure an adult is always around to supervise.