Things You'll Need
- 10 gallon tank with filtration
- UV-emitting fluorescent bulb
- Non-abrasive aquarium sand or smooth river gravel
- Mealworms, guppies, ghost shrimp and night crawlers
- Chicken meat, beef heart, turkey and fish slabs
- Romaine lettuce, mustard greens, elodea and water hyacinths
- Strawberries, apples and bananas
- Turtle, trout and catfish chows
Place your baby snapper in a 10-gallon tank that has filtration. This size tank can house several baby snappers, but does not work once a snapper is adult-sized.
Put non-abrasive aquarium sand or smooth river gravel throughout the tank.
Provide your snapper with both water and ramped land for activity in the tank. Make sure the water is shallow, but keep it at least as deep as the length of the snapper's shell.
Add a basking lamp over part of the tank so the turtle has a warm place to rest. The lamp should be a UV-emitting fluorescent bulb, and it should be kept on for 12 hours each day, says the Kentucky Herpetological Society.
Offer mealworms, guppies, ghost shrimp and night crawlers to your baby snapper. Chicken meat, beef heart, turkey and fish slabs can be given to your snapper in small portions as well.
Provide your baby snapper plenty of vegetarian food options such as romaine lettuce, mustard greens, elodea and water hyacinths.
Feed your baby snapper fruits such as strawberries, apples and bananas, but only periodically.
Give your pet some turtle, trout and catfish chows to eat, but do not make it the only food you provide.