How to Tell the Difference Between Boy & Girl Slider Turtles

Slider turtles make great pets because they are easy to care for and they don't make much noise. There are many different types, but the most popular choice for a pet is the red eared slider. You may want to know if your slider is a boy or a girl and identifying the gender is not a difficult task once you know what to look for.


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      Look at the bottom of the turtle. If the bottom, or plastron, is concave it is a male. Having a concave plastron makes it easier for the male to fit on top of the female. If it is is convex, it is female. The convex plastron gives the female more room to store eggs. I

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      Find the opening in the area between the shell and the tip of the tail on the underside of the body. This opening is called the cloaca. If the cloaca is closer to the tail, it is a male, closer to the shell, it is female.

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      Look at the claws. Longer claws on the front legs help the males grip the females during breeding season. The females have no need for longer claws, so the claws remain short.

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      Observe the tail. A large, fat tail is a male. A shorter tail indicates a female.