Can Pet Turtles Survive in the Wild?

Turtles are popular low-maintenance pets that may be bought at pet stores, animal swap meets or can be caught in their native habitats. Depending on the origin of your pet turtle, it may be a bad idea to release him into the wild.
  1. Domesticated Turtles

    • Turtles that are raised from egg hatchlings or domesticated turtles bought in pet stores that have never lived in the wild will not do well if released. They don't know how to hunt for food or hide and escape from predators.

    Wild Turtles

    • Adult turtles that have been captured from their native habitats and kept as pets for a short time will do well when released back into the wild. Release them well before winter to give them time to prepare for their hibernation period.


    • Non-native turtles may not adapt and survive if released into a new habitat. It is illegal to release non-native species. They may become invasive and overpopulate the area. Long-term pet turtles may carry diseases and infect wild populations that lack immunity to the infection.