Height of a Leopard Tortoise

The leopard tortoise (Geochelone pardalis) is a common tortoise found in Africa. Named for their high-domed, brightly colored shell, leopard tortoises are well-protected from predators. Leopard tortoises are popular as pets.
  1. Shell Morphology

    • Leopard tortoise shells are their primary defense against predators. The shell of a healthy leopard tortoise is covered in smooth scales and is high-domed, with a height greater than half of the body length---up to 15 inches tall.


    • When threatened, leopard tortoises will retract their head and limbs into the shell for protection. They have a hard beak and stumpy appendages with long, clawlike nails that protect exposed portions of their bodies.

    General Biology

    • Leopard tortoises are herbivorous and rely on a variety of grasses to grow and keep their shells strong and healthy. They live for up to 100 years in the wild and never stop growing. Though there is great variety among leopard tortoises due to their large geographic range, some older individuals grow to lengths of more than 30 inches.