How to Set Up an Aquatic Turtle Tank

Some turtles that are kept as pets are aquatic turtles and will require water in at least part of the tank in order to survive. If the turtle has webbed feet, it is aquatic. Even aquatic turtles need some dry land in which to rest and bask and a large tank is needed to give a turtle plenty of room. Setting up a proper habitat is essential for the health and happiness of the turtle.

Things You'll Need

  • Sand
  • Water
  • Small dish
  • UV lamp
  • Thermometer
  • Plastic plants
  • Rocks
  • Aquarium
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    • 1
      A roomy aquarium is needed for a turtle.

      Choose a container such as an aquarium that is at least 25 gallons. Even a baby turtle needs this much space, larger turtles will need more.

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      Fill one half of the container with clean sand in a layer that is at least 6 inches thick. Move the sand so that it gently slopes down into the tank toward the middle, providing a ramp for the turtle.

    • 3

      Place a small plate or saucer in the section of tank that does not have sand in it. Gently pour water onto the dish until the water is deep enough for the turtle to have swimming room. It should be twice as deep as the turtle is wide. Always use distilled water that has no chlorine or other added chemicals. Remove the dish when the water is full.

    • 4

      Place a thermometer into the water to monitor the temperature. An aquarium thermometer that attachs to the side of the tank underwater works well. The ideal temperature is between 75 and 80 degrees.

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      Use an aquarium lid that has a UV light in the hood, or place a UV lamp so that it shines onto the land portion of the tank. Turtles require vitamin D that the UV will supply. This will also help to keep water at the desired temperature.

    • 6

      Place plastic aquarium plants and other decorations onto the land, including a large rock to bask on. Use a large rock propped on another rock, or a cave sold for fish tanks, to provide a hiding place. Make sure whatever you use is stable and will not fall on the turtle.