Tips for Taking Care of a Pet Turtle

Turtles are one of the more novel pets to own. They are both land and water animals, they can live up to 40-years, and their unique shelled bodies are fascinating to both children and adults. These animals are much more than a novelty though. They are complex beings that need a complex environment to thrive in. Providing a large tank and a diet full of variety can lead to years, even decades, of enjoyment with your pet turtle.

Things You'll Need

  • 40-gallon tank
  • Heat lamp
  • Vegetables (for turtle food)
  • Meat products (for turtle food)
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  1. Aquarium Tips

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      Purchase a tank that is at least 40 gallons. Turtles need a lot of room to thrive. A 40-gallon tank will also be large enough to handle the diverse environment you will have to create.

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      Create a land area where the turtle can sun bathe and a water area where the turtle can swim. These two elements are essential for a proper turtle environment. This effect can be created by buying an artificial rock platform made specifically for reptile aquariums. Insert the rock platform to the bottom of the aquarium. Fill the tank with water and stop right before the top of the platform is submerged. This will keep the platform relatively dry and also give the turtles easy access from the water.

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      Point a sun lamp at the land area. Turtles are cold blooded and need the heat to warm their bodies.

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      Keep the water temperature at 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 70 degrees Fahrenheit at night.

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      Clean the tank once a week to prevent harmful bacteria from growing.

    Dietary Tips

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      Determine the type of turtle that you have. Turtles have a wide range of diets and the right one for your turtle must be determined. The wrong diet can actually cause malnutrition. Common examples of turtles and their diets include the American Box Turtle, which eats both meat and plants; the Chinese 3-Striped Box Turtle, which has an almost completely meat-based diet and the Malayan Box Turtle, which is mostly an herbivore with only small amounts of meat in its diet.

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      Provide variety for the turtle, regardless of whether it is a herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore. Turtles have a wide variety of food options in the wild. Providing the same variety will ensure that the turtle receives a balance of essential vitamins. For example, you should feed a herbivore turtle a number of vegetables such as lettuce, carrots, and spinach as opposed to just using one vegetable. Likewise, if a turtle usually eats both crickets and worms in the wild, provide both. Offering only one option will not give the turtle the varied and balanced diet it would have in the wild.

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      Provide a diet rich in calcium. Calcium is one of the most important nutrients for a turtle to have.