Things You'll Need
- Rectangular glass tank, appropriate to your turtle's size requirements
- Piece of plastic, cut to fit tank
- Drill
- Picture frame wire
- Water
- Submersible heater
- Submersible filter
- Full-spectrum "clamp" lamp
Research your specific species of turtle and determine the size tank you need based on what your turtle's space requirements are. Keep in mind that hatchling or juvenile turtles may become quite large and their tank needs to be large enough to accommodate them.
Choose a rectangular glass tank appropriate to your turtle's space requirements. Tank length generally needs to be 3 to 4 times the length of the turtle, tank width 2 times the length of the turtle, and tank height 1.5 to 2 times the length of the turtle. Add an additional 8-12 inches above the highest level the turtle can reach in the tank so that the turtle does not escape. Place the tank in an area where it won't get bumped or knocked around and that is free of drafts.
Fill the tank with enough water for your turtle to swim in. Measure the length of your turtle and multiply the length by 2. This is how deep the water in the tank should be.
Cut a piece of plastic to create a land area in the tank. The plastic should be large enough for the turtle to completely stretch out on. Drill a hole in each side of the plastic that touches the tank, or one hole on each of three sides. This will create a basking area.
Measure three pieces of picture frame wire long enough to reach from the top of the tank to the water level. Run one piece of wire through each hole on the plastic and make a small hook on the bottom of the platform to hold the plastic on the wire. Make another hook at the top of the wire to hold the plastic on the tank.
Install a submersible aquarium heater that corresponds to the amount of water your tank holds. For example, if you have a 50-gallon tank, use a heater that heats 50 gallons of water. Research your turtle's heat requirements and set the heater to keep the water at an appropriate temperature.
Purchase a filtration system suitable for filtering turtle habitats. Regular aquarium filters are often not strong enough to properly filter turtle water; consult a pet store worker for help with choosing a good filter for a turtle.
Attach a full-spectrum UV lamp to your turtle's tank just over the basking area. These are often called clamp lamps because they clamp onto the side of the tank. The lamp provides the turtle with a source of light and vitamins that it would get from the sun in the wild.
Allow the tank to run without the turtle for two to three days to ensure that all of the equipment works properly. If everything checks out, introduce your turtle to its new home.