What Foods Do Baby Turtles Eat?

If you recently adopted a baby turtle, one of your first priorities is feeding it correctly. Baby turtles need a good balance of protein, fiber and vitamins to grow into healthy adults. All baby turtles eat the same general types of food, but look into the specifics for the type of turtle you own.
  1. Insects and Worms

    • Very young turtles eat insects and worms as soon as they are done living off of their egg yolk. They are more attracted to live food than frozen, and some options may include mealworms, mosquito larva, bloodworms and blackworms.

    Lean Meats

    • Baby turtles can eat small shreds of raw lean meat such as chicken. Avoid feeding turtles ground beef because it falls apart and rots in water.

    Live Fish

    • In the wild, turtles naturally hunt for fish, and a baby turtle will be attracted to quick moving fish in the water. For baby turtles, mollies, minnows, young goldfish and young guppies are all good candidates. You can also use small live shrimp.

    Fruits and Vegetables

    • Painted turtles and red-eared sliders appreciate fruits and vegetables, but snapping turtles, musk turtles and mud turtles are not usually interested. Offer a baby turtle halved grapes, small chunks of apple, melon or strawberries. Also try feeding them kale, spinach or romaine lettuce.


    • Some commercially produced foods are specifically meant for turtles. While many baby turtles are not not interested in food that doesn't move, you can try feeding them food in the form of pellets or sticks. These foods have everything the baby turtle needs. Be sure to check the portion size listed on the packaging.