Aquatic Turtles
Aquatic turtles need dry resting places. Most of the large chain pet retailers and some small independent pet and aquarium stores sell several types of aquatic turtles. The most commonly sold aquatic turtle is the Red Eared Slider. Aquatic turtles need an aquarium or pond to live in. They are best raised in aquariums that are cleaned often and filled with warm, filtered, fresh water and a variety of rocks for them to rest on. Several outcroppings of rock should be available so the turtles can leave the water to rest on a dry rock. The size of the aquarium should be at least three times taller than your largest turtle.
Commercial foods are available for aquatic turtles, but most prefer small fresh fish, worms, night crawlers, chicken or beef liver cut to the size appropriate for the turtle. These turtles when properly cared for can reach eight inches to one foot in length and can live upwards of 20 years.
Box Turtles
Box turtles do best on dry land. Box turtles are available at most pet retail stores. These turtles live on dry land and do best in large indoor enclosures or proper outdoor enclosures. Glass aquariums should be avoided as they cannot be made to mimic a natural habitat. Natural habitats include dry bedding suitable for tunneling, weeds, grasses, and access to sun and shade. While these turtles are not considered aquatic, they should have water available for a quick swim. Humid living conditions are recommended.
Box turtles eat fruit, vegetables, worms, some types of insects and snails. While most pet box turtles have somewhat shorter life spans, under optimum conditions a box turtle can live up to 100 years.
Painted Turtles
Painted turtles have brightly colored bottom shells. Painted turtles have shells with a variety of patterns, most of which are brightly colored on the bottom side of the shell. Most painted turtles have dark green or black looking skin with yellow or orange striping on the head and legs. They are considered to be semi-aquatic. In the wild, these turtles swim in shallow water and spend a good deal of time resting on logs. Similar conditions should be considered when keeping these turtles in aquariums. These turtles may not be the best choice for people who don't like to clean habitats on a regular basis. They are one of most active of the common pet turtles.
Painted turtles can be fed commercial turtle diets or offered a variety of proteins like fish, chicken and liver, balanced with green vegetables. These turtles range in size from five to 10 inches and can live about 20 years.
Kinds of Pet Turtles From the Pet Store
The most common types of purchased pet turtles are box turtles, aquatic turtles and semi-aquatic painted turtles. Turtles can be found at pet stores and rescue groups that specialize in reptiles and amphibians. Most young turtles are purchased at retail outlets. Older and fully grown turtles are more readily available from rescue groups and specialty breeders. Before deciding on a turtle, consider its life span, feeding habits and the care that will be necessary.