How to Identify an Aquatic Turtle

Aquatic turtles are those that spend most of their lives in the water. There are 50 different varieties of aquatic turtles including map, painted and musk turtles. Aquatic turtles enjoy basking in the sun either on rocks or by floating at the top of the water. You can find aquatic turtles in ponds, rivers and streams.

Things You'll Need

  • Turtles
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    • 1

      Analyze the face of the aquatic turtle. Their eyes are closer to the top of the head than land turtles. This allows them to hide from predators in the water easier. Only the top of its head and eyes are seen. Look at the glands near its eyes. Aquatic turtles have glands that produce salty tears to rid the body of excess salt from water.

    • 2

      Take notice to aquatic turtle's feet. A turtle that is aquatic, such as the snapping and red-ear slider, will have webbed feet. This allows them to swim fast and easier. The webbed feet also allow the aquatic turtle to move dirt and sand to find food.

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      Analyze the shell of aquatic turtles. The shells are domed, hard and stiff, cartilaginous and bony. The top part of the shell is the carapace and serves as the turtle's protection. The carapace is sometimes colorful or has designs such as with the map turtle.

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      Measure the size of aquatic turtles. They range from 5 to 11 inches, depending on the type of aquatic turtle. For instance, musk turtles are small and grow no larger than five inches while red-ear slider turtles can grow up to 11 inches long.

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      Look at the colors of aquatic turtles. Red-ear slider turtles are colorful with red or orange stripes on their head and legs. Painted turtles have red and yellow stripes.