How to Work With Turtle Shells

The care needed for the shell of a live turtle differs from the care needed for turtle shell used to make jewelry or other items. Turtle shell is extremely sensitive to extreme temperatures and harsh chemicals. When the proper care is administered, turtle shell is able to maintain a fresh and healthy appearance.

Things You'll Need

  • Tub
  • Lukewarm water
  • Soft toothbrush
  • Soft towel
  • Soft pouch or box
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  1. Live Turtle Shell Care

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      Provide adequate oxygen and sunlight for the turtle. The health of the turtle shell depends on the availability of fresh oxygen and sunlight.

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      To clean the turtle shell, place the turtle into a large tub of lukewarm water. The water should cover the entire underside of the turtle̵7;s shell and at least a few centimeters of the top shell. Allow the turtle to soak for 15 to 20 minutes, and then replace the water.

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      Use a soft, clean toothbrush to gently brush dirt and grime from the turtle shell. Pay particular attention to areas where grime has built up in the ridges of the shell. Unless directed by a veterinarian, do not use any detergent or soap, as this might harm the turtle. Once the shell has been cleaned thoroughly, remove the turtle from the water.

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      Use a soft towel to gently pat the turtle dry. Once dry, observe the shell for any areas of grime that may have been missed. Gently remove any shedding skin or paper-thin fragments that are peeling from the shell.

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      Observe the turtle shell for any signs of disease or infection. Diseases that commonly affect turtle shells include retained scutes, pyramiding, ulcers and deformed scutes. If any of these conditions appear to be present, a veterinarian should examine the turtle as soon as possible. It is also important to regularly observe the turtle shell for signs of injury, such as animal bites or burns; these injuries should also be reported to a veterinarian.

    Caring For Turtle Shell Items

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      Clean the turtle shell by rinsing it in warm water and gently patting it dry. For best results, do not use detergents or soaps, as these might damage the shell. Acids and ammonia should never be used to clean turtle shell items; these substances will damage the surface of the turtle shell and remove its glossy finish.

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      Because the shell is soft and susceptible to scratches, turtle shell items should be stored separate from other items of jewelry in a soft box or pouch. Keep the turtle shell away from intense sources of heat, as this may damage the shell. Turtle shell should not be exposed to direct sunlight for extended periods of time. Additionally, other sources of heat will warp the shell, causing it to bend into unusual shapes.

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      When wearing turtle shell jewelry, avoid applying any beauty products, such as perfume, hairspray and lotion. Turtle shell is extremely sensitive to the chemicals in these products. Additionally, turtle shell is also sensitive to body oils. For best results, turtle shell should not be worn while bathing or sweating excessively.