What to Feed Red Ear Sliders?

Red ear sliders are among the most common types of pet turtles. They eat primarily animal protein, by may prefer more vegetables as they age. They should receive a variety of plant and animal based foods at all points in their lives, though. Commercial turtle pellets can make a good start, but they shouldn't be the only thing your slider eats.
  1. Balance

    • Red ear sliders eat a diet that's a mix of animal and plant foods, but prefer more animal protein when young. They have a voracious appetite, and will eat many different types of foods, but should receive a diet that's about one third protein. Sliders must also receive enough plant food to prevent a nutritional imbalance. Vitamin A and calcium deficiencies are common in red ear sliders on an imbalanced diet.

    Commercial Diets

    • Commercial turtle diets in pellet form can act as the base for a good diet but are not suitable as the sole food source. Supplement your turtle's pellets with live foods, fruits and vegetables, and vitamin supplements made for turtles. Offer commercial food three times a week.

    Animal Foods

    • In the wild, red ear sliders eat earthworms, insect larvae, small fish, snails and adult insects. You can buy such creatures, as well as feeder goldfish, for your turtle. Choose prey small enough for your turtle to swallow easily. You can feed insects and fish live or pre-killed. Avoid raw meat and fish, which can make your turtle fat and contaminate the water. Provide whole fish and insects when possible. Offer animal foods to juveniles no more than twice weekly and once weekly to adults.


    • Plant foods make up the rest of a red ear slider's diet. Captive turtles need vegetables high in vitamin A, including carrots, aquatic plants (duckweed, water hyacinth, and elodia) and some salad greens. Avoid collard greens and spinach, which can cause problems with digestion. Some turtles also enjoy fruit, such as banana and canteloupe. Avoid iceberg lettuce, celery and similar low-nutrient vegetables.