How to Set Up a Spotted Turtle Terrarium

Spotted turtles can be recognized by the yellow dots scattered across their black shells. They require a suitable terrarium to thrive as pets. Spotted turtles are semi-aquatic reptiles, and require both land and water in their terrarium. In a well-maintained terrarium spotted turtles can grow to their adult size of three to five inches.


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      Choose an enclosure large enough for your spotted turtle. The minimum size of a spotted turtle aquarium should be 22 gallons. However, spotted turtles enjoy larger spaces, and 33- to 50-gallon tanks give ample room for everything the turtles require.

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      Create a land area out of natural materials, such as rock, dirt and sand. The land should take up 50 percent of the tank's length, and be at least four to seven inches tall.

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      Fill the other half of the tank with water at a height of three to six inches. Spotted turtles require water areas, but are not avid swimmers. A water filter may be added, or you may clean the spotted turtle's water every three days.

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      Hang a heat lamp above the spotted turtle's basking site to keep the temperature between 82 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit.

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      Add a full-spectrum light eight to 12 inches above the tank to provide your spotted turtles with necessary ultraviolet rays. Keep it on for up to 12 hours each day.

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      Place an aquarium heater in the water to maintain a water temperature of 75 to 85 degrees.