How to Build a Box Turtle Habitat

Box turtles make interesting, educational pets, though they are not exactly easy to take care of. Proper care of a box turtle requires diligent commitment and keen observation to address any health problems the turtle may encounter. Building a good box turtle habitat is crucial to the animal̵7;s survival. Without the proper set-up and maintenance, a poor habitat can lead to serious health problems that could leave you with a disabled or dead turtle. However, your box turtle can and will thrive in a spacious, safe environment that provides the animal with everything it needs to live a long, happy life.

Things You'll Need

  • Large container
  • Potting soil
  • Sand
  • Leaf mulch
  • Sphagnum moss
  • Hollow log
  • Flat rock
  • Water container
  • Incandescent light
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  1. Instructions

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      Choose a large container in which to build your box turtle habitat. Avoid glass aquariums because box turtles will relentlessly try to break through the glass and they get easily startled by things in the room. A low stress environment is the key to your box turtle̵7;s survival. A large Rubbermaid container is a good choice. According to, the minimum size for a single turtle habitat is 3ft. x 3ft. x 2 ft. (l x w x h).

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      Build a proper substrate for your box turtle. recommends a mixture of potting soil, sand, leaf mulch, and sphagnum moss. This needs to be deep enough so that the turtle can burrow itself completely.

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      Place a hollow log for the turtle to hide in. Cardboard is a good substitute if you can̵7;t find a fitting log. Many pet stores sell this kind of thing.

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      Place a large flat rock big enough for the turtle to walk on. This will allow the turtle to keep its toenails well groomed.

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      Find a large plastic container, fill it with water, and place it in an accessible part of the cage. Box turtles like to soak themselves throughout the day and they also use the water to defecate. This water must be changed daily. Make sure the turtle can enter and exit the water easily.

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      Set up an incandescent heating light in one area of the cage. Box turtles need to warm themselves during the day and this area should be maintained at a temperature of around 85°F. Keep the rest of the cage cooler so the turtle can switch between warm and cool as it needs to.