How to Breed Map Turtles

Map turtles are also known as sawback turtles. They get their name from the map design on the back of the shell. They live near water and can be seen sitting on logs, rocks and riverbanks to soak in the sun. Map turtles are shy and will hide in water to be left alone, yet they are often victims of predators such as birds and raccoons. They need clean water to live in and can die from polluted water as well as heavily polluted air. Map turtles can live and breed in a happy and healthy life in captivity in the proper conditions.

Things You'll Need

  • 20 gallon tub or aquarium
  • Rocks and logs
  • Sand or gravel
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      Provide at least a 20 gallon tub or aquarium for map turtles to live in and place the aquarium or tub outside or inside. Turtles require a quiet place where there is not much activity and temperatures no cooler than 70 degrees and no hotter than 80 degrees. The tub or aquarium should be placed where the map turtles will get sun throughout the day.

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      Place sand or gravel at the bottom of the aquarium or tub for the turtles. Fill the tub or aquarium half way up with water. Place objects such as rocks and logs in the tub or aquarium. Map turtles spend some of their time outside the water basking in the sun or resting and will need something to rest on. Add plants inside the tub or aquarium as well.

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      Put a male and two females into the tub or aquarium. If the tub or aquarium is larger than 20 gallons then you can put another male and female in with the others. Map turtles live best in a large area where they can move around. The more turtles you have in the tub or aquarium will require more room and to clean the water more often. Map turtles live a healthier life in clean water.

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      Anticipate map turtle eggs in May, June and July. The female will lay six to 20 eggs in one clutch. The eggs will hatch within 50 to 70 days.

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      Prepare another large tub or aquarium for the baby map turtles. Remove the baby turtles so that the adult turtles will have enough space to move around and the babies will also have space to maneuver.