How to Raise a Painted Turtle

Painted turtles are a popular choice for pet owners looking to acquire a gentle turtle. While many reptiles are not generally at ease with frequent handling, most painted turtles can become friendly enough to take food from your hand. Raising a painted turtle from a hatchling presents many distinct challenges, but these turtles are very hardy and tend to do well when raised in captivity.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquarium
  • Water
  • Basking rocks or ramp
  • Submersible foam filter
  • Air pump
  • Air stone
  • UVB light
  • Water heater
  • Aquatic plants
  • Insects, worms and fish
  • Turtle food
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      Set up a 20-gallon aquarium to house your hatchling painted turtle. Provide 3 to 6 inches of water as well as a dry basking area. Install a submersible foam filter at the bottom of your tank to clean the water. A pump and air stone also will help maintain good water quality, but you will still need to change your turtle's water regularly.

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      Install a UVB bulb and water heater in your turtle tank. Painted turtles prefer a water temperature of 78 to 80 degrees with a basking area around 86 to 88 degrees. However, turtles can overheat very quickly, so provide an area of cooler water and shade at the opposite end of the tank from the basking area.

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      Plant a variety of aquatic plants in your turtle tank. Hatchlings may occasionally snack on some of these plants, and as they grow older your painted turtles will greatly appreciate a variety of edible vegetation.

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      Feed your hatchlings a variety of insects, worms, fish and commercial turtle food. When young, painted turtles are mainly carnivorous. As they grow, you should gradually adapt their diet to include more vegetation, including water lettuce, romaine, spinach, turnip greens and water hyacinth in addition to premade turtle food.

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      Provide a larger tank as your turtles grow. When they are full grown, you will need to provide at least 40 gallons per adult turtle. Increase the water depth as well. Ten to 30 inches of water is appropriate for turtles that are 4 inches or larger.