Take the turtles out of the tank before you clean it. Being jostled about while you siphon, scrub and take apart the filter will only cause the critters stress if left in the tank. Transfer the turtles to a clean bucket that has not been used for chemicals or an empty and clean bathtub. You can buy a large bucket for storing your turtle brush and other supplies and use the same bucket for housing the turtles during tank cleaning. Wear a pair of disposable rubber gloves before you embark on turtle tank cleaning.
Siphon the water out of the tank using a gravel vacuum or siphon, both of which are available at pet supply stores. Some siphons hook up to your sink and use the water pressure to suck the water out of your tank. You don't want to jump start a siphon hose by initially sucking the water through a hose with your mouth, as way too many germs, bacteria and even salmonella can be thriving in the water. Siphon out all the water for a full tank cleaning. Some siphons can be reversed to also fill the tank using water from your sink. Otherwise, you can refill the tank with a bucket.
Tank Components
The tank glass and any decor should be scrubbed down with a stiff brush used only for cleaning the turtle tank. Scrub the glass before all the water is drained so that any residue can get sucked out with the siphon or vacuum. Place decor in the sink and scrub well under running water. Never use chemical cleaners as they can be harmful to your pets. You can use a safe, oxygen-based cleaner or liquid dish soap as long as you rinse it off thoroughly. Dismantle the filter under extremely hot running water. Replace the filter medium when it gets too clogged to be washed clean. You may be able to rinse foam filter inserts several times before they need replacement.
A few things will help the turtle tank stay cleaner between full-fledged tank cleanings. Partial water changes, where you siphon out one-third to one-half of the water and replace it with clean water, will help remove a lot of debris. You can do partial water changes several times a week if need be. You will also have a cleaner tank if you use more than one filter and ensure the filter you are using is large enough to handle the tank. The general rule for a turtle tank is one gallon of water for every inch of turtle. The larger the tank, the cleaner it will remain.
Turtle Tank Cleaning
Turtles can make wonderful pets, but cleaning out their tank can be anything but wonderful. These interesting creatures are known to be quite messy, which means cleaning the tank can be an arduous task. It does not have to be, however. Keep these useful tips in mind and do regular maintenance that prevents the tank from becoming a cesspool.