The Best Ways to Clean a Turtle Tank

Aquatic turtles are great pets, but they are a lot messier than most turtle owners anticipate. If you don't keep on top of cleaning your turtle tank, the water and tank will quickly take on a dingy greenish hue and your whole house will smell like turtle. To keep this from happening, your turtle tank must be frequently and thoroughly cleaned. A clean turtle tank will ensure the turtle's and your health and keep the tank looking habitable.
  1. Empty the Tank

    • Aquatic turtles, as notorious carriers of salmonella, require that care be taken to ensure that you don't contract this illness from your pets (or give them anything).

      Before handling the tank, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly. Remove the turtles and place them in a container permanently labeled "turtle" so that no one will ever use it for any other purpose again. Leave them there for the entirety of the cleaning process but be sure to check on them periodically.

      Remove the rocks, foliage or turtle toys from the tank and place these in a bucket that will only be used for cleaning the turtle tank contents. Empty the water in the tank into the toilet or the yard to avoid contaminating your bathtub or sink.

    Cleaning the Tank

    • Avoid cleaning your turtle tank with chemical cleansers. These can be toxic to your turtles and the residue that they leave behind can slowly poison them.

      The best products to use are white vinegar and baking soda. To clean the toys and plastic plants, rocks and so forth, fill the bucket that you placed them in with a gallon of water mixed with one cup of vinegar. Take a toothbrush and thoroughly scrub any toys or large rocks. You can rub any residue off of the smaller rocks and plants with your hands.

      The walls of the tank can be scrubbed clean with a little white vinegar and a paper towel. Any hard water stains may need to be scrubbed off with baking soda and a little elbow grease. Rinse the tank once you're done cleaning it. The filter can simply be rinsed out with water.

    Refill the Tank

    • Replace the toys, plants and rocks. Refill the turtle tank with warm water. Add an organic waste decomposer according to the manufacturer's instructions. Replace your turtles and wash their temporary container and your hands thoroughly.