How to Remove Algae From a Turtle Tank

Algae often grows inside a turtle tank from the combination of the tank's water and the food that is fed to the turtle. Most types of turtles will not coexist well with a plecostomus that could eat the algae--used in many fish tanks. The best way to remove the algae is to dismantle the tank and clean each part of it.

Things You'll Need

  • Small container
  • Siphon
  • Sponge
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      Take the turtle out of the tank and place him in a safe place that will keep him from crawling out of the rim. Tiny turtles might be at home in a bowl while the tank is being cleaned, while larger turtles may need to be put in the bathtub until the tank is clean.

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      Dump all the water out of the tank for a thorough cleaning. If the tank is very large, use a siphon to remove the water. If the tank only has a small area of algae on the side of the tank, you may be able to remove it by draining the water below the area of algae and wiping the algae off the side of the tank. Otherwise, remove all of the water.

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      Take the gravel, sand or other substrate out of the tank. If you have gravel or larger rocks, use an old toothbrush and scrub them under running water to remove the algae. Rinse sand a few times and let it sit in a bowl or bucket of water to settle.

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      Scrub down the walls and floor of the tank with a wet cloth or sponge. Avoid using steel wool or any cleaning solution. This can remain behind in small traces, particularly if the tank is large, and can contaminate the water once it is returned to the tank. You can remove algae from the tank completely with thorough scrubbing and rinsing and without the use of cleansers.

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      Replace the water in the tank and treat it as you normally do. Many turtle owners use a chemical to remove the chlorine from the water and others heat their tank's water to the optimal temperature for their type of turtle. Once the water is treated and heated, return the turtle to the tank.