Turtle habitats will require temperature regulations. The use of heat lamps, aquarium heaters, heated rocks and under-tank heat pads can help provide warmth for your pet.
Lighting is also important for pet turtles. Depending on the type of turtle you have, he may need regular exposure to UV, UVB, broad spectrum or florescent lighting. A variety of light bulbs can be purchased in the reptile department of a pet superstore.
Your pet turtle will also need substrate, or bedding in his environment. Some turtles require a moist mossy floor, while others will want wood chips, soil or gravel. Research you turtles breed, and learn what environment he likes best.
When setting up a turtle habitat, determine how much space he will need. Does he need room to burrow. Will he hibernate? Identify what type of enclosure will be best for him. Will an outdoor pen be best? Can he live in an aquarium, or a mesh fronted cage?
Providing the right type of environment for your pet turtle will help keep him healthy. Turtle shells need light to grow and stay healthy. Proper nutrition and vitamin supplements will also keep him in good condition. He will also stay happier if his habitat replicates his natural environment. His instincts will stay in tact, and he will perform his natural mannerisms, such as rooting, climbing and digging.
Turtles in the wild are found in a variety of environments. Aquatic turtles, such as red-eared sliders and painted pond turtles, can be found in lakes, streams and marshy damp environments.
Box turtles and tortoises can be found on land near water. Buried under loose soil, especially around plowed fields, are where you will find land turtles.
Creating a turtle habitat to replicate their natural environment can be costly. Finding an enclosure with ample room, and fitting it with lighting, a timer and heat source can cost several hundred dollars. So, before your child brings home a turtle they found in the wild, think about the initial expense of keeping the pet.
Also consider the food you will need to offer the turtle. Depending on the species, you may need to continually provide fresh fruit, live worms or even minnows.
What Kind of Habitats Do Turtles Live in?
Turtles are a common household pet for children. Their inquisitive nature and eating habits can be fun for the whole family to admire. When keeping a turtle for a pet, be aware they have specific needs to keep them comfortable and healthy. A turtle habitat in the home should replicate their natural environment as much as possible. First, research what type of turtle you have, to be sure you are making his home as close to his wild habitat as possible.