How to Take Care of a Painted Turtle

Under the right conditions a painted turtle can live for over twenty years. Thats a long time to spend with your pet, and its important to keep him happy and healthy. This guide explains the basics of caring for a painted turtle.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquarium
  • Turtle Food
  • Substrate
  • Filter
  • Aquarium Decorations
  • Heat Source
  • Basking Site Materials
  • Water
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    • 1

      Make sure that you choose a proper home for your turtle. When young, a painted turtle will get along just fine in a twenty to thirty gallon tank. However, a full grown turtle of eight inches or more will require a minimum of a fifty five gallon aquarium to be comfortable.

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      Add substrate. Turtle substrate can be purchased at any pet store. The substrate lines the bottom of the aquarium and allows the turtle to express its natural digging instinct. The substrate will have to be changed when it becomes excessively dirty.

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      Be sure to give your turtle a basking site. The basking site should be on one end of the aquarium and high enough so that the turtle can remove its entire body from the water. The basking site can be made from piled smooth stones, wood, or other materials. The entire aquarium should never fall below seventy six degrees Fahrenheit and the basking site should be between eighty five and eighty eight degrees Fahrenheit.

    • 4

      Decorate your turtles home. Turtles are not as sedentary as you might think. They love to explore, and will try to bite, climb, pull and chew on nearly anything placed into their inclosure. By providing your turtle with a few "toys" in the form of wood, rocks, plants etc, you will give them much needed mental stimulation.

    • 5

      Feed your turtle a quality turtle food purchased from your pet store. You can also give them fruits and vegetables as a treat. Be sure to remove any uneaten food from your turtles enclosure.

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      Choose the right type of filter(s) for your turtle aquarium. Having the right type of filter is essential in preventing a buildup of waste inside the tank. Talk to your local pet store about what type of filtration system is right for your particular environment.

    • 7

      Be sure that you change your water between one and three times each week depending on how dirty it gets and how many turtles you have inside your aquarium. The water depth can be deep enough for your pet turtle to swim around if you wish, but it should never be too shallow so that the turtle cannot properly moisten its skin.