How to Take Care of an Inside Turtle

Turtles are unique reptiles and can make fascinating pets, but they require special handling and the proper environment to survive.

Things You'll Need

  • 40-gallon tank (or larger)
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  1. Creating a Habitat for Your Pet Turtle

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      Give your turtle some space. The tank needs to be at least 40 gallons in size.

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      Turtles love water, so make sure your turtle has an ample swimming area in the tank.

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      Your turtle will also require a dry area. Place a heat lamp over the dry area to allow your turtle to sunbathe; turtles require 12 hours of sunlight per day.

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      Keep the temperature stable. Optimal conditions for your turtle will be a temperature of about 80 degrees during the day and 70 degrees at night. Turtles are cold-blooded, so it is especially important to keep the temperature stable.

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      Give your turtle a little privacy. It is a good idea to put a shelter in the tank for your turtle to retreat to for sleeping.

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      Feed your turtle a balanced diet with vegetables such as lettuce and meat such as fish. Give the turtle fresh spring water to drink.

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      Keep the turtle's environment clean.