How to Tell a Southern Painted Turtle's Gender

Every type of turtle has distinct markings or size characteristics of its particular genus. Identifying a Southern Painted Turtle requires understanding a few differences that set Southern Painted Turtles apart from other members of this group.


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      Ensure that the turtle is an adult. It is very difficult to identify the gender of young Southern Painted Turtles.

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      Identify the size of the Southern Painted Turtle. The adult female is approximately 5 1/2 inches to 7 inches. The adult male is approximately 3 1/2 inches to 5 inches.

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      Inspect the front claws of the turtle. The female front claws are short and very strong. They are used to dig a nest to lay her eggs. The male claws are longer and aids him in mating.

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      Look at the shell of the turtle near where the tail comes out. The female shell is straight. The male shell is concave or curved where the tail comes out.

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      The tail will also show you gender differences. The cloaca, or opening in the tail, is located near the body of the female. The cloaca is located further down the tail on the male. The male also has a fatter, longer tail.