How to Keep a Turtle Healthy

Your turtle is like any other pet in that it is totally dependent on your care to remain healthy and to live a long life. It isn't difficult to keep your turtle well once you understand his needs.

Things You'll Need

  • Turtle food
  • Tank
  • Clean water
  • Water heater
  • Large flat rocks
  • Driftwood
  • Lamp
  • 40- or 60-watt light bulb
  • Full-spectrum light
  • Water filtration system
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      Practice sound turtle nutrition. Different species of turtles require different diets, so it is best to speak to your pet shop or veterinarian regarding the correct foods to feed your new pet. Add vitamins to her diet once or twice a week to ensure she receives all essential nutrients.

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      Choose the proper tank. The tank should hold 15 gallons for each inch your turtle measures. So if your turtle is 8-inches long, buy a 120-gallon tank. To keep him from getting out, the tank must be 8 to 12 inches taller than the highest level your turtle can reach.

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      Create the environment. Your turtle will need a water section large enough and deep enough to swim. Be sure your turtle can climb onto a roomy land area from the water and that it is large enough for her to move around. Use large flat rocks, driftwood or similar articles for the land section.

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      Provide heat. Your turtle will enjoy basking on the land under a lamp equipped to handle a 40- to 60-watt bulb. A water heater will keep the temperature of the water consistent.

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      Supply your turtle with UV light so it can synthesize vitamin D-3. Use a full-spectrum florescent bulb which provides both UVA and UVB rays.

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      Invest in a good water filtration system to maintain your pet's health. Clean the filters regularly and replace as needed. The filter should be running 10 to 14 hours every day, particularly after mealtimes.

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      Change at least a portion of your turtle's water every 2 to 7 days. You can choose to change 20 to 25 percent of the water every 2 to 3 days, or 50 percent of the water every 5 to 7 days. Clean and disinfect your turtle's tank every 4 to 6 weeks to keep him healthy and to give him a long, happy life.