How to Heat a Turtle Tank

Turtles are great pets for people who want more than a fish, but don't have the room or the inclination to own a dog or cat. Turtles need their tanks warm in order to digest their food. The heat also prevents bacterial and fungal infections and other health issues. Luckily, there are many ways you can heat your turtle's tank.


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      Figure out what kind of turtle you have. Turtles from temperate regions do fine with their tanks at room temperature (65 to 75 degrees F) as long as they have a heating lamp in one spot. Tropical turtles need a higher temperature of 80 to 85 degrees F.

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      Choose how to you want to heat your turtle's basking spot. Lamps with incandescent or ceramic lights are great for providing heat in the basking spot. You can also get a heating rock for your turtle's basking spot if you don't want to deal with a lamp. However, heat rocks can cause burns. You can also use a heating pad beneath your turtle's tank if you take safety precautions.

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      Remember that if you have an aquatic turtle, you'll have to heat their water. A great option for this is a submersible aquarium heater that maintains a constant temperature.

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      Set up a thermometer to monitor the temperature of your turtle's tank. You will need one to monitor their water (if you have an aquatic turtle) and one for their basking spot.