My Turtle Won't Leave the Water

There are a number of different types of turtles and many behave differently based upon the breed or geographic conditions of its native habitat. Some may turtles prefer spending time in the water rather than the basking area of its habitat, while others may be experiencing conditions that make it difficult to leave the water.
  1. Cold Temperatures

    • As cold-blooded reptiles, turtles can not create body heat but take on the temperature of the surroundings. When turtles become cold their bodily functions slow down and they become sluggish. The turtle may be spending a lot of time sleeping to conserve energy. Place a heat lamp or lamp with an incandescent bulb near the habitat to increase the warmth without overheating the turtle.


    • It's natural for some turtles to hibernate, typically by burying themselves underground. Even if the environment is warm and food is plentiful the turtle may still be following instinctive cues for hibernation. If the tank or habitat does not allow it to bury itself under the ground or bottom of the pond, it may be using the water as a substitute. Consult with a veterinarian to determine if the turtle is of a breed that hibernates and is healthy enough for hibernation as some conditions such a respiratory illnesses could lead to death during hibernation.

    Illness or Stress

    • If the turtle seems sluggish or unresponsive, it may be stressed or ill. If the tank or habitat is in a busy or noisy location move it to a quiet location that gets soft natural sunlight. Should this not help or the turtle has mucus from the eyes or nose take it to the vet for examination.

    Habitat Design

    • The tank or habitat should allow the reptile easy access to all locations. Lessen the slope from the water to the land area to make it easy for the turtle's short legs to maneuver itself out of the water. If using a plastic device to create the pond area, check that the ramp is not too slippery when wet. To increase friction add a slip-proof decal like those manufactured for use in the bottom of bathtubs.

    24 Hour Watch

    • It may seem as if the turtle never leaves the water, but constant 24-hour surveillance may prove that it does, even if only for short periods of time. Turtles enjoy catching and eating live insects or earthworms. Add one or more to the habitat to get the turtle interested in leaving the water and increasing its activity.