What Do I Use in an Adult Tortoise Outside Pen?

The outdoor tortoise pen requires planning to maintain a comfortable environment for the animal. Outdoor pens are common in desert areas that closely resemble the natural tortoise environment. Materials for the bedding and ground material are easily obtained through pet stores, landscape stores and the natural environment. Combining several material creates diverse heat distribution and makes it easy for the tortoise to self-regulate in the pen.
  1. Sand

    • Sand is used as the base material in the pen. Sand drains moisture, clumps feces and absorbs heat. Sand is a natural material in the desert tortoise environment and it cleans easily by scooping the dirty sand clumps out of the pen with a cup. Sand is also cheap and easily obtained. Use dry sand from hardware or pet stores for the base layer in the pen. Do not use wet sand and mud mixtures. Dry sand absorbs heat more efficiently and water is only added when the temperature reaches extreme levels and the pen requires cooling.


    • Lay four bricks on top of the sand base. Choose a section of the pen that receives sunlight throughout the day. The bricks provide a platform for sun bathing and hold heat in the pen throughout the night. Red sandstone landscaping bricks work well for the platform. Build the brick platform to roughly match the size of the bottom shell.

    Straw and Grass

    • Cover one corner of the pen with straw and grass. Build a soft layer of bedding with material. Choose a shaded area or add plants for shade if natural shade does not exist. The bedding and shade combination provides a cool resting area when the temperature reaches high levels. Straw and grass also are easy for the tortoise to manipulate and excavate into a recessed bed.

    Food and Water

    • Store the food and water in the shaded area. The water tray works well for adult tortoises, but it requires regular cleaning. The tortoise will bath and defecate in the water dish. Use a water nipple with a bottle for a clean and consistent source of fresh water. The dish also works for food but the tortoise will spread food around the pen and regular cleaning is required.


    • Know the specific requirements for the tortoise variety and make adjustments based on the recommended climate. Add moisture and plants for the Russian tortoise and humid environment varieties and maintain a dry, hot climate with sloped drainage and heat lamps for the common desert tortoise.