A Russian Turtle Care Sheet

The Russian Tortoise is hardy and does not die easily. This is why the Russian Tortoise is a popular pet. Immediately after getting this type of tortoise have its stool tested by a vet to make sure there are no undetected illnesses present. Like all pets, thought and care needs to be taken to ensure a Russian Tortoise is living under conditions that will help it thrive.
  1. Provide a Large Living Area

    • The Russian tortoise needs plenty of room and should be kept in a tank big enough to keep it comfortable. An indoor habitat should be at least 36 by 12 inches. An outdoor habitat should be at least 48 inches square. If a specialized enclosure is not available a 50-gallon or larger, clear, plastic tub will provide an adequate living environment.

    Keep Habitat Warm

    • It is important to keep the habitat of a Russian Tortoise warm. On one end of the tank or enclosure the temperature should be kept near 90 degrees. On the opposite end of the tank the temperature should be kept cooler at about 75 degrees. Under-tank heating pads and incandescent lights can be used to regulate temperature. In order to keep a Russian Turtle healthy he should also be regularly exposed to UVB light. Install a full-spectrum UVB light in the tank.


    • The Russian Tortoise needs to be fed daily. This type of tortoise needs to be fed a diet that includes plenty of fiber and very little protein. Vegetables cut up into sizes that will easily fit into the mouth of the tortoise are the best foods to feed this type of pet.The crust of wheat bread can be offered once in a while as a treat. Do not give fruit to this type of pet as they upset the digestive tract. In order to ensure a Russian Tortoise is getting enough calcium, sprinkle calcium powder onto normal food once or twice a week.

    Always Provide Clean Water

    • Give your tortoise fresh water each day for hydration and for it to bathe and soak in. The water given to a tortoise must be free of chlorine and filtered so the pet is not exposed to unwanted chemicals.