How Can I Know If My Chinese Golden Thread Turtle Is Male or Female?

Chinese Golden Thread turtles (Ocadia sinensis) are small reptiles hailing from Taiwan, China and other parts of Southeast Asia. These mild-mannered turtles thrive in creeks, ponds and other shallow bodies of water and are not an aggressive species. While the turtles do require at least a 55-gallon aquarium, they make great beginner pets because of their demeanor and dining habits. While the two sexes are not incredibly different looking, it is easy to know if your Chinese Golden Thread Turtle is male or female once you learn the basic biology and habits of the turtle.
  1. Shell Length

    • Measure your Chinese Golden Thread turtle's shell length. If it is full grown, you can roughly guess what the sex is from the size of its shell. Adult males usually range from 6 to 8 inches in length while females range from 10 to 12 inches long. If you have other turtles to compare yours to, that can help determine the likelihood of your turtle's sex.

    Eating Habits

    • Observe your turtle's eating habits. Female and young Chinese Golden Thread turtles rarely eat or show interest in meat of any kind unless they are starving. Place crickets, shrimp or other meat in front of your turtle to gauge its interest in it. Males are much more carnivorous and are more likely to eat the meat. Make sure to try this when your turtle is hungry, but do not skip feedings or keep the turtle hungry to try it, as you may get a false result.


    • Look at the size of your turtle's tail. Like most turtles species, the male Chinese Golden Thread turtle has a longer and thicker tail than females. Female turtles' tails are thin and do not protrude far from the shell while males have a protuberant and stubby tail.

    Professional Sexing

    • Bring your turtle to a veterinarian or reptile expert to sex the turtle for you if you cannot determine its gender. Determining the sex of most turtles by examining the genitalia is difficult. Do not try to sex the turtle yourself. Probing the sex organs of your turtle can seriously injure it if you are not trained or experienced.