How to Care for an Egyptian Tortoise

The Egyptian tortoise, known scientifically as Testudo kleinmanni, is the smallest of the Mediterranean tortoises. It originally hailed from Egypt, Libya and Israel. Now extinct in Egypt, and with only a small population left in Libya, it is an extremely endangered species. The illegal pet trade and loss of habitat threatens its existence. Conservation groups are dedicated to preserving Egyptian tortoises. Though it is a small, cute creature, it is a difficult species to maintain and is not recommended for beginners. It is important to care for the tortoises properly for them to thrive.

Things You'll Need

  • Enclosure or aquarium
  • Leafy greens
  • Peat moss, topsoil and sand
  • Fluorescent lamp
  • Reflective clip light lamp
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      Buy or build an enclosure of at least 2 feet by 3 feet for one tortoise and 4 feet by 2 feet for a pair of tortoises. Make sure to provide hiding spots for them to make them feel safe or they can become stressed. Cover the bottom of the enclosure with peat moss, topsoil and sand.

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      House your Egyptian tortoise indoors, as it is difficult to maintain conditions outdoors unless you live in an area that has low humidity and high temperatures. Make sure the tortoises have a warm, dry environment with low humidity. Their health will decline in a humid setting. Keep them at about an 85 degree temperature with about 20 to 30 percent humidity. They will become sluggish in temperatures above 85 F.

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      Place a reflective clip light lamp in the enclosure for basking. There should also be a fluorescent lamp to provide UVB rays. The tortoises should get the 12 hours of UV per day.

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      Feed the tortoises a diet of high-fiber, low-protein, calcium-rich leafy greens (dandelions, clover, endive, etc.) and grass for good digestive tract function and steady growth. They are herbivores, so it is important to replicate their natural diet. Do not feed them fruit because the high sugar content can cause diarrhea. You should also provide them with D3 and calcium supplements.

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      Provide a water dish large enough that they can soak in it and shallow enough so they do not drown.

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      Do not mix Eqyptian tortoises with other species because they are sensitive to diseases carried by others.