What can we do to protect dolphins?

1. Reduce marine pollution

* Plastics, fishing gear, and other debris can harm dolphins and other marine life.

* Properly dispose of trash, recycle when possible, and avoid using single-use plastics.

* Support organizations that work to clean up marine pollution.

2. Support sustainable fishing practices

* Overfishing and bycatch (the accidental capture of non-target species) are major threats to dolphins.

* Choose to eat seafood that is caught using sustainable methods.

* Support organizations that promote sustainable fishing.

3. Protect dolphin habitat

* The destruction of coastal habitats is a major cause of decline for many dolphin species.

* Support organizations that work to protect dolphin habitats.

* Reduce your own carbon footprint to help mitigate climate change, which is also a major threat to dolphin habitat.

4. Educate yourself and others

* Learn more about dolphins and the threats they face.

* Share your knowledge with others and encourage them to take action to protect dolphins.

* Support organizations that are working to protect dolphins.

5. Adopt A Dolphin

Consider adopting a dolphin through a reputable organization. This is a great way to help support dolphin conservation and stay up to date on their efforts.