How to Play With a Pet Python

Pythons are beautiful and unusual pets to have, but owners must keep in mind that pythons won't play in the traditional sense like a cat or dog. Instead, you can play with your python by learning how to give it the specific care it needs and handle it safely. Handling your python in the correct manner ensures that you and your pet are safe and happy.


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      Identify the specific temperament and ideal living conditions for your specific kind of python. Ball pythons are typically docile and easy to care for; Burmese pythons have been involved in a number of fatalities due to improper handling. Tree pythons have difficult temperature and humidity requirements. Reticulated pythons can be extremely large and difficult to handle.

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      Familiarize yourself with your python's eating preferences to find out if it will eat pre-killed rodents. Pre-killed rodents are best for feeding because live ones can injure the python in the struggle, and a pet that has been injured will be less docile and more difficult to handle.

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      Handle your pet python only when it appears relaxed and docile. Most Ball pythons are calm and easy to handle at all times, but your individual snake's temperament may vary.

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      Wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling your pet python.

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      Approach the python from the side rather than from the front, so that it can see you clearly and doesn't feel threatened.

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      Move slowly when approaching and handling your python.

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      Be aware of the air temperature when handling your pet. If the python needs warmer conditions than the room in which you are handling it, don't keep it out for very long, as it will become uncomfortable.

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      Handle your pet several times per week to establish and maintain a bond of trust.

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      Place the python back in its cage if it appears at all stressed or starts to act aggressive. Don't allow the python to wrap itself around your neck or even lie limply on either side of your neck, as this improper handling has often led to dangerous situations.