* Trunk: The long, flexible nose used for breathing, smelling, grasping, and drinking.
* Tusks: Large, pointed teeth made of ivory, used for digging, fighting, and defense.
* Ears: Large, fan-shaped ears that help regulate body temperature and are used for hearing.
* Eyes: Small, relatively weak eyes that are protected by thick eyelids.
* Mouth: Contains a tongue that is used for picking up food and water.
* Shoulders: The strong, muscular area where the neck meets the body.
* Back: The large, broad back that supports the elephant's weight.
* Belly: The underside of the elephant's body, containing the digestive system.
* Legs: Thick, pillar-like legs that support the elephant's enormous weight.
* Feet: Large, flat feet that provide stability and traction.
* Tail: A short, thick tail with a tuft of hair at the end, used for swatting flies and signaling.
Other Notable Features:
* Skin: Thick, wrinkled skin that helps protect the elephant from sun and injury.
* Musk gland: A gland located near the anus that produces a musky scent used for communication.
Please note: There are many other specific parts of an elephant's body. This list provides a general overview of the most prominent features.