1. *Strongylodon macrobotrys* (Jade Vine)
This is the most commonly referred to plant as "elephant creeper" due to its impressive, cascading flower clusters that resemble the trunk of an elephant. This plant is:
* Ornamental: Its beautiful, jade-green flowers make it a popular ornamental plant, often grown in tropical gardens or greenhouses.
* Not edible: The flowers and other parts of the plant are not known to be edible.
2. *Bauhinia vahlii* (Mountain Ebony)
This vine is also sometimes called "elephant creeper" due to its large, elephant-ear-shaped leaves. This plant is:
* Ornamental: Used in landscaping due to its attractive foliage and showy pink flowers.
* Potentially edible: Some sources mention that the young leaves and pods can be eaten, though this is not widely practiced.
3. *Ipomoea pes-caprae* (Beach Morning Glory)
This coastal plant is sometimes referred to as "elephant creeper" due to its creeping growth habit and large, heart-shaped leaves. However, this is less common than the other names for the plant. It is:
* Ornamental: Can be used in coastal gardens, but its spreading nature can make it invasive.
* Not edible: The plant is considered toxic to humans and livestock.
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