How to Care for a Pet Scorpion

Don't be intimidated by caring for a pet scorpion--it can be relatively easy. However, specific care requirements vary between species. As a pet scorpion owner, it is important to research your particular species of scorpion, familiarize yourself with its natural habitat and try to mirror its original environment as closely as possible.


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      Research your species of scorpion. Ascertain whether your scorpion is a desert or rain forest species. Learning what your scorpion's natural habitat is like will help you construct a habitat with conditions that help your scorpion thrive.

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      Buy a habitat for your scorpion. Tropical fish aquariums with tight lids are popular choices among scorpion owners. Five-gallon aquariums are suitable for scorpions that are to be kept by themselves, while 10-gallon aquariums may be used to house as many as five scorpions. Bear in mind that desert species may appreciate larger tanks, and rain forest scorpions need tanks with very high glass sides to prevent escape.

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      Assemble your scorpion's habitat. Make sure to meet all of the species' needs for survival. Regulate humidity and temperature within the habitat to closely parallel your scorpion's natural environment. Ensure adequate ventilation and tightly sealed tank lids. For rain forest species, provide 5 to 7 cm of vermiculite or soil and peat moss substrate and keep it moist to aid humidity levels. For desert species, use sharp sand as substrate and keep it very dry.

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      Decorate the tank with wood, plants and rocks common to your scorpion's natural habitat. Arrange rocks into a makeshift cave for your scorpion to hide under while it is sleeping, or make sure that there is enough substrate in the habitat for your scorpion to burrow during its resting hours.

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      Place your scorpion in its habitat.

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      Supply your scorpion with adequate amounts of water. You can provide water by misting your scorpion and its tank. Desert species require a misting only two times a week, while rain forest species need to be misted six times a week. If you own a rain forest scorpion, consider constructing a small bath for your scorpion with a water level no deeper than 2 cm.

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      Provide your scorpion with food. Scorpions are not picky eaters. They eat many of the live insects provided to them, including crickets, locusts, meal worms, silkworms, superworms and cockroaches.

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      Maintain your scorpion's habitat by regularly cleaning it, removing uneaten food, replenishing water and cleaning out the tank.