How to Teach a Pet Scorpion Tricks

Scorpions make ideal pets for people who prefer unusual, exotic, interesting, but not-so-cuddly pets. Unfortunately, scorpions are almost impossible to train, but if you learn to take advantage of what comes naturally and provide your pet scorpion with a few interesting places to crawl, burrow and hide, he will entertain you with a few simple "tricks."


    • 1

      Watch your pet scorpion eat a bug. Scorpions are nocturnal hunters that only eat live food. Give your pet scorpion a live cricket, moth or mealworm at night, and watch him enjoy capturing his dinner.

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      Create your pet scorpion's natural habitat with a layer of substrate made of material such as vermiculite or chemical-free potting soil. Cover this with a thick layer of small bark chippings at least two times the length of your pet scorpion's body. Sit back and watch him create and dig into his own burrow.

    • 3

      Allow your pet scorpion to make his own cave by providing him with pieces of dry wood, large chunks of bark or driftwood. In their natural habitats, scorpions are small "cave creatures."

    • 4

      Install a black light above your pet scorpion's enclosure. He will absorb the light, and you can see your pet scorpion emit a greenish glow. (The light will also provide a small amount of heat.)