How to Groom a Pet Scorpion

Scorpions are hairless creatures. Even the Desert Hairy Scorpion does not possess hair. Scorpions do not need to be cleaned and do not attract visible parasites. Therefore, grooming a pet scorpion is not a difficult. Furthermore, all scorpion species possess stingers at the end of their tail making them dangerous to interact with. Many make excellent pets because they are easy to care for and live for many years. Read on to learn more.


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      Keep your pet scorpion in a warm terrarium. Desert species require a dry environment whereas rain forest species should be kept in a moist habitat with plants.

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      Maintain a constant temperature of 25 Degrees Celsius. All pet scorpion species do best at that temperature.

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      Place a thick layer of substrate in your terrarium. All scorpion species commonly kept in captivity burrow. Some will dig holes 5 to 7 centimeters deep. A few pieces of wood and stone to hide under are also required. This is an important aspect of scorpion care.

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      Offer pet scorpions as much as they can eat. Although known to endure long periods without food or water, it is best that scorpions have food and water available at all times. Usual food includes crickets and woodlice although larger species can eat small rodents and reptiles.

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      Make sure that the tank has a certain amount of flat space without obstacles. When scorpions breed they engage in a courtship dance called the "Promeade a deux" where the pair grips each other with their claws and walk forwards and backwards.

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      Care for the young scorpions by moving them to a separate space once they separate from the back of their mother. Once females stop care of their young they forget their maternal instincts and perceive their offspring as prey.