How many bones are in a skull?

An adult human skull consists of 22 bones, divided into two main groups: the cranium and the facial bones. The cranium, which forms the upper and back portion of the skull, is composed of 8 bones:

1. Frontal bone: Forms the forehead and the anterior part of the roof of the skull.

2. Parietal bones (2): Form the sides and upper portion of the skull.

3. Temporal bones (2): Located on the sides of the skull, containing the organs of hearing and balance, as well as the structures of the jaw joint.

4. Occipital bone: Forms the back portion of the skull and the opening (foramen magnum) through which the spinal cord connects to the brain.

5. Sphenoid bone: Forms the middle base of the skull, contributing to the eye sockets, nasal cavity, and other skull structures.

6. Ethmoid bone: A small bone located at the front of the skull, contributing to the formation of the nasal cavity and the eye sockets.

The facial bones, which form the lower and anterior portion of the skull, consist of 14 bones:

1. Nasal bones (2): Form the bridge of the nose.

2. Maxillary bones (2): The largest facial bones, forming the upper jaw, including the cheeks and part of the eye sockets.

3. Zygomatic bones (2): Commonly referred to as cheekbones, they contribute to the shape of the face and form part of the eye sockets.

4. Palatine bones (2): Located at the back of the nasal cavity, forming part of the palate (roof of the mouth) and the floor of the orbit (eye socket).

5. Lacrimal bones (2): Small bones located at the front of the eye sockets, contributing to the drainage system for tears.

6. Vomer: A thin bone that forms part of the nasal septum, dividing the nasal cavity into two.

7. Mandible: The lower jawbone, which is the only movable bone of the skull.

So, in total, the adult human skull consists of 22 bones, with 8 bones in the cranium and 14 bones in the facial region.