- How do rhinos respire?
- How sharp are rhinos horns?
- When do elephants become competely mobile?
- How many rhinos killed a year?
- Where country was the titaniboa found?
- How close are elephants to extinction?
- Are there gems in elephant tusks?
- Why did the saber tooth become extinct?
- How do Komodo Dragons kill people?
- How many lethal poisons exist?
- What is the K-T extinction?
- How powerful is the komodo dragons tail?
- Who discovered mammoths?
- What are the cormorants enemies?
- What is the lifespan of Little Spotted kiwi?
- In The Scarlet Ibis how are and the deaths similar?
- How sharp are eagles claws?
- Do you think kiwis should be extinct or not?
- What is a talon?
- How many bones are in a skull?
- Can the American bald egal fly a human?
- Is cherub a unique name all over the world?
- What kill Great Auks?
- What does a great spotted kiwi look like?
- What is size of talons?
- How long can a flamingos stand on one leg?
- How big is a mythical phoenix?
- Can a snowy owl defeat scorpion?
- What does cobra and vulture?
- When the monster was killed by Hermes she put hundred eyes onto peacocks feathers?
- Where do the rockhoppers live?
- What is a eukarykote?
- Are scorpion stings acid or alkalis?
- Did all prosauropods live in the triassic?
- How many years were dinasours on earth?
- What is the scorpionfish diet?
- Does the kanab ambersnail have any enemies?
- What is the strength of vampire?
- How much are 2 crocodile teeth worth?
- What is the most common scorpion found in sc?
- What can happen to you if leave a scorpion sting untreated?
- Does a unicorn have any special powers or features?
- Where do styxosaurus live?
- What creature kills more people each year?
- Do some armadillos have club tails?
- Is it true if you give a dog scorpion becomes vicious?
- What sounds do elephants make?
- Where in the amazon do elephants live?
- How did the tangs get their name?
- Why did mammoths have tusks?