How long intill you could pet a new born puppy?

It's not recommended to pet a newborn puppy until they are at least 4 weeks old.

Here's why:

* Very fragile: Newborn puppies are incredibly fragile and their immune systems are still developing. Too much handling can stress them and make them more susceptible to illness.

* Mother's care: The mother dog needs time to bond with her puppies and teach them essential skills.

* Nursing: Newborn puppies need to nurse frequently, and excessive handling can interrupt this vital process.

When you can start handling:

* 4 weeks old: Once the puppies are a bit stronger, you can start gently introducing them to handling.

* Be gentle: Always approach puppies slowly and gently. Let them come to you and allow them to sniff your hand before touching them.

* Short interactions: Keep interactions brief at first and gradually increase the amount of time you spend with them.


* It's important to consult with the breeder or veterinarian for specific guidance on handling newborn puppies.

* If you are concerned about a newborn puppy, it's always best to err on the side of caution and seek professional advice.