What do new born puppies eat?

Newborn puppies are completely dependent on their mother's milk for the first few weeks of their lives. They don't have the digestive system or the teeth to eat solid food yet.

Here's a breakdown:

* First few weeks: Only mother's milk. This provides all the nutrients, antibodies, and moisture they need.

* Around 3-4 weeks: Puppies may start to show interest in solid food, but they still rely primarily on their mother's milk.

* 4-6 weeks: You can start introducing solid food gradually. This should be a high-quality puppy food, soaked in warm water to make it easier to eat.

* 6-8 weeks: Puppies should be weaning off their mother's milk and transitioning fully to solid food.

Important Note: If the mother dog is unable to provide milk, or if the puppies are orphaned, you'll need to bottle-feed them special puppy formula following instructions from a veterinarian.