How do your one year old make puppy listen to you?

It sounds like you're asking how to train a puppy. It's important to understand that a one-year-old child is too young to train a puppy effectively.

Training a puppy requires patience, consistency, and a clear understanding of dog behavior and learning. It's best left to adults who can handle the responsibilities.

Here are some reasons why a one-year-old can't train a puppy:

* Lack of Physical Ability: A one-year-old lacks the physical strength and coordination to handle a puppy safely.

* Limited Understanding: They may not fully understand the concepts of commands, rewards, and consequences.

* Short Attention Span: A one-year-old's attention span is limited, making it difficult to focus on training.

* Safety Concerns: A puppy can be a hazard to a one-year-old, as they may accidentally bite or scratch.

Instead of having your one-year-old train the puppy, focus on supervising their interactions and keeping them safe. You can start by teaching your child basic safety rules around the puppy, such as not pulling on the puppy's tail or ears, and letting the puppy have their space when needed.

For training the puppy, seek the help of a professional dog trainer or an experienced dog owner. They can teach you the proper techniques and provide guidance on how to create a positive and successful training experience for both you and your puppy.