Your puppy is 7 weeks old can she see you?

It's great that you're curious about your puppy's development! Here's the breakdown:

* At 7 weeks old, puppies are typically able to see. Their eyesight is still developing, but they can definitely see you.

* However, their vision might be blurry initially. It takes a few more weeks for their vision to become fully sharp.

Think of it like this: Imagine you're looking through a foggy window. You can see shapes and movements, but details are fuzzy. That's similar to how a 7-week-old puppy sees.

Signs your puppy can see you:

* Following you with their eyes.

* Reacting to your movements.

* Recognizing familiar people and objects.

* Showing interest in toys.

Important Note: If you have any concerns about your puppy's eyesight, it's always best to consult your veterinarian.