Is a puppy born with closed ears?

No, puppies are not born with closed ears. They are born with open ears, but they are not fully developed and will take some time to open up completely.

Here's why:

* Ear canals are not fully formed at birth. The ear canals are the passages that lead from the outer ear to the inner ear. In puppies, these canals are still developing and may be partially blocked with a membrane.

* Ears may be folded over. Some breeds have floppy ears that are often folded over at birth. This can give the appearance that the ears are closed, but they are actually open underneath the fold.

Typically, puppies' ears will open within the first few weeks of life. This process can vary depending on the breed and individual puppy. If your puppy's ears haven't opened by the time they are a few weeks old, it's important to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying issues.