How to Make a Frog Tank

Keeping frogs as pets is a good way for your children to learn about nature. Before you bring a frog into your home, it is important to set up its environment. In a properly established aquarium or terrarium, you and your family can observe how a frog interacts and lives with its habitat. Not all frogs live in the same type of environment and it is important to research the specific requirements for the species you plan to bring home.

Things You'll Need

  • Glass tank
  • Soil
  • Sand
  • Gravel
  • Plants
  • Water dish
  • Filtration/aeration system
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      Buy a tank large enough to contain your frog. Talk to someone at the pet store about the appropriate size for the frog or frogs you plan to raise.

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      Spread a few inches of mix of potting soil and sand on the bottom of the tank if you are buying a terrestrial frog. Moisten the soil with water. Add some plants to the soil but keep them in pots to make cleaning easier. Place some pieces of bark in the tank so the frogs have a place to hide. Place a water dish in the tank with non-chlorinated water.

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      Place a few inches of aquarium gravel on the bottom of the tank if your frogs are an aquatic species. Fill tank with water. Plant some aquatic plants under the gravel. Include floating wood or other ways for frogs to get out of the water. Install filter and aeration systems.

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      Place a screen on top of both tops of tanks to allow air circulation and to prevent the frogs from escaping.