How to Watch a Caterpillar Turn Into a Butterfly

In order to watch a caterpillar turn into a butterfly, you first need to get your hands on a caterpillar. Finding a caterpillar can be a tricky process, but there are a few clues to help you in your search. Research the type of butterfly you would like to raise and find out what the caterpillars like to eat -- once you know their preferred food source, you can limit your search to this area and season. Look for signs that caterpillars have been there -- such as large, chewed areas of leaves. Check underneath leaves, and on low branches to find your caterpillar.

Things You'll Need

  • Caterpillar
  • Aquarium
  • Screen
  • Host plant
  • Vase
  • Water
  • Stick
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      Place the caterpillar or chrysalis into a plastic aquarium. You will also need to clip a large portion of the plant on which the caterpillar was found -- this will serve as its food until it goes into a chrysalis. Put the bottom of the plant into a small vase filled with water to keep the plant fresh.

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      Insert a stick into the vase, along with the leaves. Since many caterpillars enjoy climbing.

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      Provide the caterpillar with ample food and allow air to flow freely with a screen over you caterpillar until it is ready to form its chrysalis. You might want to mark the original plant on which the caterpillar was found so that you can go back for more leaves when the others have been eaten.

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      Leave the caterpillar alone until it has emerged as a beautiful butterfly. Eventually, the caterpillar will decide it is ready to transform and will form a chrysalis. When this happens, wait patiently and eventually the caterpillar will emerge. Be sure to watch diligently to make sure you don't miss it.