How to Live Trap Beavers

Trapping live beavers can become a necessary action if the beaver population raises to critical levels. The over population of beavers can lead to deforestation, the spreading of small animal diseases and a severe change in a local ecosystem's food chain. Humane traps catch a beaver live and then the beaver can be transported to a different location where there are much fewer beavers. The traps may be set in the water just under the surface, on the ground and even at the entrance of a beaver dam.

Things You'll Need

  • Live beaver trap
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      Set up the beaver trap in the thick of the beaver territory (the middle of the area where the beavers have been spotted). Open the door (or clamp depending on the model) of the trap. Place the pin/rod of the trap inside the trigger mechanism while holding the trap open.

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      Hide the trap under leaves, twigs or brush when on ground. Unlike other animal traps, beaver traps do not use bait as most other animals will be attracted to beaver bait. Place the trap in areas where beavers are known to walk, places they have been spotted, the entrance to dams and an inch under the surface water.

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      Come back to check the traps daily. Pick up the trap by the rear when moving with a beaver inside to avoid being bitten. If the beaver seems at all hurt, take it to an animal hospital immediately.