How to Make a Degu Pet Habitat

Degus are small rodents native to Chile that resemble rats in appearance. They are sometimes referred to as Chilean squirrels because they behave much like squirrels. In recent years people have started keeping them as pets. The degus have big ears, long whiskers, hairy hands, and live for around five to eight years. They have a complex voice range which includes squeals, whistling and chirping. They are very active animals who run around, chew plastic and drum with their feet. However, to make the degus comfortable living as a pet, there are a few things that must be done to their habitat.

Things You'll Need

  • Large wire cage
  • Grass mats
  • Plastic wheel
  • Small bowl
  • Chinchilla dust
  • Grass hay
  • Chinchilla pellets
  • Vegetables
  • Branch
  • Nestbox
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      Purchase a large, multi-level wire cage. Degus are incessant gnawers and can eat through plastic-bottomed cages typically found in pet stores, so buy an appropriate wire cage that has a solid, non-wire floor. As degus are active climbers and jumpers, look for a cage that has multiple levels for them to play on. According to Degutopia, the minimum size this cage should be is 17 inches wide, 30 inches tall and 27 inches long.

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      Line the base of the cage as well as the flooring on the different levels of the cage with grass mats or soft fabric so that degus do not injure their feet.

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      Place a big, solid wheel in the cage for the degus to play with. This will keep them healthy and allow them to exercise and exert their energy. Degus grow quickly so the wheel you buy needs to be around 9 to 11 inches in diameter. This size will allow them to reach a full stride when running in the wheel.

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      Place grass hay and high-quality chinchilla pellets in the cage for the degus to eat. Hay helps maintain degus gut function so this must be constantly available in the cage for them to eat, and an adult degu should be fed around 10g of hard feed or pellets once a day. This will allow them to receive the nutrients they need without increasing the risk of obesity and related problems. Degus are strictly herbivorous, so keep their diet filled with vegetarian options, such as fresh vegetables like carrots, green beans and broccoli. However, vegetables are only necessary as food once or twice a week. Do not feed degus guinea pig or rabbit food as they have been found to be highly susceptible to diabetes mellitus. Most pet food contains molasses or other forms of sugar which will harm them if fed regularly, so avoid these forms of food.

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      Place a nestbox in the cage to add security, and add a large branch to give the degus something to climb and chew. Add in a fresh branch every week or every few days depending on how quickly they are chewing through it. Degus love to chew so buy them some chew toys from a pet store and add these to the cage. These chew toys should be inspected on a daily basis and replaced if they're soiled or excessively worn. Every week place a small bowl of 1 to 2 inches chinchilla dust in the cage for the degus to bathe in. This keeps their skin and coat in good condition. Leave in the cage for an hour or so and then remove.