Goldfish are generally easy to care for and can make suitable classroom pets as they are unlikely to require veterinary care and they do not harbor allergens. According to TheRealOwner.com, fish can be left alone over the weekend as long as they have sufficient food. A fish tank will require cleaning once a week. Children can help to look after the fish by taking it in turns to feed them.
Unusual insects, such as the stick insect or praying mantis, can make interesting classroom pets, which are easy to keep. Insects such as these can be left for days at a time and do not require a large amount of attention. Having an insect as a classroom pet can also help children to overcome a fear of bugs. Insects should not be captured from the wild to be kept as pets and instead should be purchased from specialized pet stores.
Guinea Pigs
The Humane Society recommends guinea pigs as a suitable classroom pet because unlike some animals they present a low risk of disease. This means that it is safe for children to handle them, although this must always be supervised by an adult to ensure that the animal is being handled correctly. Guinea pigs must not be left for days at a time, and they require daily exercise and regular cleaning to maintain a hygienic environment in the classroom. Guinea pigs are also social animals and should be kept in pairs.
Rats can make good classroom pets as they are generally good-natured if they are handled regularly. Like guinea pigs, rats cannot be left unattended for days at a time and it is important to plan for occasions including weekends and school holidays. Rats will be happier when kept in pairs as they are social animals. Keeping a pair of females will reduce the risk of the rats fighting. Rats require a large cage and regular exercise. Children must always be supervised by an adult when handling a rat.